Anti-Israel but not Anti-Jew? Its a lie. At least that’s what Ronald Lauder, President of the World Jewish Congress claims it is.
Addressing a crowd in the King David Hotel where he received the Guardian of Zion award, the President declared that ‘when someone says they are not anti-Semitic – they are only anti-Israel that is a lie.”
The WJC President’s assertion deserves no extra attention but is rather the predictable rhetoric disseminated throughout the Zionist camp. Divorcing the Jew from Israel? The dreaded Zionist sin.
If Anti-Semitism and Anti-Israel are to be perceived as one entity, how does the Zionist go about in addressing ‘his’ issue of Anti-Semitism?
Theodore Herzl; founder of modern Zionism laid down the ‘vanity’ of such actions in his first diary entry.
‘In Paris, as I have said, I achieved a freer attitude toward anti-Semitism, which I now began to understand historically and to pardon. Above all, I recognized the emptiness and futility of trying to combat Anti-Semitism’. (the diaries of Theodor Herzl p 6)
Anti-Semitism being the fuel of Zionism, wouldn’t fighting it compromise the legitimacy of the Zionist answer to the alleged Jewish question?
In 1925, Jacob Klatzkin, editor of the Encyclopedia Judaica, put down the full implication of the Zionist approach towards Anti-Semitism:
‘ If we do not admit the rightfulness of antisemitism, we deny the rightfulness of our nationalism. Instead of establishing societies for defense against the anti-Semites, who want to reduce our rights, we should establish societies for defense against our friends who desire to defend our rights’. (The Meaning of Jewish History, vol II, p. 425)
In 1930, after the failure of the ZVFD (German arm of the WZO) to unite against Nazis in the Reichstag elections, Siegfried Moses, later serving as the head of the Federation, explained this ‘phenomena’ in simple Zionist terms:
“It is true that the defense against antisemitism is not our main task, it does not concern us to the same extent and is not of the same importance for us as is the work for Palestine and, in somewhat different sense, the work of the Jewish communities.” (Reactions of the Jewish press to the Nazi challenge, vol. V (1960) p. 312)
The World Jewish Congress – a History of Deceit.
The WJC, the dominant Zionist structure; in Mr. Lauder’s own words “ it is not a global economic power like Israel, but we have tremendous political clout, and we are not afraid to use it”.
Well, isn’t using their ‘tremendous political clout’ solely for promotion of their goal, and still ‘not be afraid’ a mirror to the actions of the ‘global economic power of Israel’?
Chaim Zhitlovsky, a Zionist and leading figure in the Social Revolutionary Party, put down the direction of the WZO set by its Founder Theodor Herzl:
‘Herzl’s politics is built on pure diplomacy, which seriously believes that the political history of humanity is made by a few people, a few leaders and that what they arrange among themselves become the content of the political history. (Vladimir Medem – the life and soul of a legendary Jewish socialist pp. 295-8)
A crisis is a Leader’s ultimate test. How did the WJC political clouting affect World Jewry during the World War epoch?
Immigration is the predominant escape method during trying times, and, throughout the Nazi era proved to be the survival tactic for a beleaguered Jewry. Up until the implementation of the White Paper, the British set a yearly quota for immigration towards Palestine and handed the certificates directly to the WZO. The Zionists, wanting ‘healthy’ material to revitalize Palestine set their own criteria for the would-be immigrants.
Abraham Margaliot, an Israeli Scholar, has written about a speech delivered by Chaim Weizmann in 1935:
‘ He declared that the Zionist movement would have to choose between immediate rescue of Jews and the establishment of a national project which would ensure ‘lasting’ redemption for the Jewish people. Under such circumstances, the movement, according to Weizmann, must choose the latter course’.
In 1935 Moshe Sharet declared ‘ that the circumstances obliged them to treat Diaspora Jewry with a degree of cruelty.' (Problem of the Rescue of German Jewry p. 255)
A total of 119,315 legal immigrants entered Palestine thru 1933-1935, an approximate 6,307 certificates were handed out to Jews from the Western Hemisphere, who required no rescue and nearly two-thirds of all German Jews who applied were denied. (Problem of the Rescue of German Jewry p. 253)
Now, opposing the trends of the Zionists’ and its organizations deems one an Anti-Semite?
Can there be a greater lie?