“A preservation of national integrity is impossible except by the preservation of racial purity, and for that purpose we are in need of a territory of our own where our people will constitute the overwhelming majority.”
- Vladimir Jabotinsky
The nation of France has been rocked by a series of terrorist attacks in recent months and in the last year 223 people have lost their lives as victims of terror in France.
For all the said animosity between Bibi Netanyahu and President Obama, the American government is set to finalize a military aid deal with Israel before the end of the current term.
What is the catalyst for a Jew in the Diaspora making aliyah to Israel? Safety? The 218 North American immigrants arriving in Israel this past Tuesday proved the contrary.
The conclusion of all these sources we have gathered is that it is explicit in many places in the words of Chazal that Hashem wants the Jews to be scattered to the four corners of the earth for the entire duration of exile, until moshiach comes.
[This siman is a continuation of the previous one, in which the Rebbe quoted the Raavad who says that even after moshiach comes, the Jews will be led through the “wilderness of the nations” before entering Eretz Yisroel.]
my parents are committed UK Christian Zionists working for "Christian Friends of ISrael", and talk to me a lot about Ezekiel, Isaiah and Zechariah prophecying the current return to the land, Eretz ISrael.
I am a noahide and for the first time I reallize that the torah forbides a zionst state. I want to be true and faithful to Hashem in my life. As a noahide am I commanded not to have anything to do with the zionist state?
Regarding your question if there is a mitzvah nowadays to live in Eretz Yisroel, as the Ramban says, or if there is no mitzvah nowadays, as Rabbeinu Chaim says, quoted in Tosafos on Kesubos 110b: Most poskim hold it is a mitzvah.
Even if the leaders of this state were to be believers in the Torah and the words of Chazal on some level, and even if they did not persecute religious Jewry, the entire concept behind this state would be complete heresy, for it is impossible to imagine
Rabbi Mordechai Leib Winkler, rav of Madd, wrote the following to Rabbi Yonasan Steiff, rav of Budapest, who asked his opinion about an organization to settle Eretz Yisroel, probably a project of Agudah (printed in Levushei Mordechai, v.
The Netziv supported the Chovevei Tzion movement, but at the same time he cautioned that settling the land should never be associated with messianism, the Temple or the redemption in any way.
Hi Rabbi, one more e-mail. I wouldn't even know how to respond to the attached article, Do Not Ascend Like a Wall, by Rabbi Shlomo Aviner. He gives 13 reasons why the Three Oaths don't apply to the State of Israel.
My name is Roxy and I'm 17 and I have a couple of questions. This site opened my eyes a bit, I hadn't read a lot of this before. I agree with a lot of what's in this site but there are some things that I can't get past.
The Pe'as Hashulchan, Laws of Eretz Yisroel, Chapter 1, Section 3, quotes the words of the Rashbash, who says that settling in Eretz Yisroel is not a mitzvah on all Jews nowadays, only on individuals.