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How do you respond to Rabbi Yitzchak Brand's many books and articles on Zionism?

May 09 2016

How do you respond to Rabbi Yitzchak Brand's many books and articles on Zionism?

He used to be well in your camp, then rethought his position, and explained why in convincing detail.

His general site is here:

American Jews, Come Home from the "Safe Haven"!

Dec 17 2015

U.S. State Department Issues Israel, The West Bank and Gaza Travel Warning

Why can't the Zionist redemption be G-d's hand?

Sep 07 2012

Dear sir,
As your opposition of the present State of Israël is based on the Thora, which texts of the Thora do you use and how do you read them?
Yours sincerely,
H. Frank

Isn't a war of self-defense permissible and obligatory because of the ruling "Habah Lehargecha Hashkeim Lehargo"?

Aug 29 2012

Isn't a war of self-defense permissible and obligatory because of the ruling "Habah Lehargecha Hashkeim Lehargo"? When someone is coming to kill you, you kill him first.

Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Lehren, Jewish community leader in Amsterdam (1844)

Aug 16 2012

Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Lehren was the leader of Kehillas Yereim in Amsterdam and president of the Kollel of Rabbi Meir Baal Haness, the institution that distributed funds to European Jews who lived in Jerusalem and studied Torah.

What kind of article can I write about the Gaza war in my college newspaper?

Jul 26 2012

I was thinking about writing an article about Gaza situation in my college newspaper. I write regularly; you can even see an old article of mine here:

Weren't the Jews in the wilderness told to conquer Eretz Yisroel?

Jul 26 2012

Dear Rabbi,

In this weeks Parsha, “Parshas Shlach" it is written that a righteous Jew may live in Eretz Yisroel. Is he permitted to defend it against those who wish to physically destroy it or must he rely on others?

Yosef Meir

The Be'er Hagolah (late 1600s)

Jul 17 2012

The Be’er Hagolah is a sefer written by an anonymous author in Amsterdam during the period of the Sabbatean movement (late 1600s).

Doesn't Orach Chaim 329:6 permit a defense force?

Jul 10 2012

On the subject of halachah l'maase and defense forces, here is what the
Shulchan Aurch, Orach Chayim 329:6 rules:

Rabbi Kanievsky and the Ban on Arab Labor

Jul 09 2012

Did you happen to read the full text of what Rav Kanievsky recently
stated concerning employing Arabs, and even any gentiles in Israel?

