Shiur on Maamar Lashon Hakodesh Siman 1 Shiur on Maamar Lashon Hakodesh Siman 2 Shiur on Maamar Lashon Hakodesh Siman 3
Adapted by Zefanyah Yosef Porter
The Ponevezher Rav built many yeshivos using money from the Zionist government.
Rabbi Meir Soloveitchik related that the Brisker Rav once asked: Why is the wording of the last oath different from the first two?
G-d forbid to accept the position of the Zionist heretics, who want to take the Holy Land by force and rebel against the government, for it will be bitter for them in the end. They hate the Torah and it is like a thorn in their eye.
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