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Op-Ed: Anti-Iran Deal Lobbyists Perpetuating Anti-Semitism

Sep 16 2015

Much has been said about President Obama’s proposed Iran deal. Some of the conversation has been framed as civilized debate, while other dialogue has deteriorated into an endless litany of ugliness.

Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch Opposes Agudath Israel's Lobbying Efforts

Aug 21 2015

The following is the text of a speech by Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch, member of the Rabbinical Court of the Eidah Chareidis and one of the preeminent Torah authorities of this generation, on the subject of the Iran deal and American Jewish lobbying, given as

The Nuclear Deal With Iran, and TTJ’s Radio Ad Campaign

Jul 30 2015

What is the real motive of Bibi and his supporters in the US in opposing the Iran deal? Do they have the right to represent Jews in a matter of security? The radio campaign by True Torah Jews.

Mayor of Kiryas Joel Asks Congressman not to Attend Netanyahu Speech

Feb 25 2015

The mayor of the village of Kiryas Joel, Abraham Wieder, has sent a letter to Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney on behalf of the village's residents, asking him not to attend Netanyahu's address to Congress next week.

True Torah Jews Air Radio Ads Denouncing Netanyahu Speech

Feb 16 2015

In reaction to Israeli PM Bibi Netanyahu’s plans to address a joint session of the House and Senate on March 3, without the blessings of the President or anyone in his administration – and all with the false claim that he speaks in our name, a step that

Second Netanyahu Ad Hits Florida Airwaves; TTJ Responds With Ad of Their Own

Oct 15 2012

The following story originally appeared in Politico:

Several weeks ago, ads featuring Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu talking about Iran ran in targeted markets in Florida, courtesy of the c4 Secure America Now.

What is your view on the Agudah's protest against the Iranian president?

Aug 29 2012

Dear Rabbi,

Shalom Aleichem. I am a chossid. What is your position on the demonstration yesterday by Orthodox groups, including Agudath Israel, against the Iranian president on his visit to New York?

Thanks, Nuchem

US, Britain Urge State of Israel not to Attack Iran

Feb 22 2012

The U.S. and Britain on Sunday urged Israel not to attack Iran's nuclear program as the White House's national security adviser arrived in the region, reflecting growing international jitters that the Israelis are poised to strike.

Larijani: State of Israel Based on Supremacy of Jewish Race

Jul 04 2008

Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani has accused Israel of leading a racist policy, which makes it impossible for the Jewish state to reach a peace agreement with the Palestinians, the IRNA news agency reported Friday.

Olmert Says Zionism Will Prevent Second Holocaust

Jan 29 2008

Israel cannot stand on the sidelines and watch Iran attain offensive nuclear capabilities, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Monday, forging an implied link between the Iranian regime and the Third Reich during a special Knesset session to mark Internatio

Zionist Agency Brings 40 Jews From Iran

Dec 25 2007

Forty Jews came to the State of Israel from Iran on Tuesday. This is the largest single group of Iranian Jewish immigrants ever brought to Israel by the Jewish Agency.

Iranian Jewish Leader Denies Zionist Claims

Dec 06 2007

A top Iranian Jewish community leader on Wednesday described the recent immigration of 40 Iranian Jews to Israel as a "misinformation campaign" and insisted that Jews living in the Islamic Republic were not in danger under hard-line policies of Presiden

US Fears Zionists May Strike Iran

Nov 08 2007

A claim by President Ahmadinejad that Iran has 3,000 working uranium-enriching centrifuges sent a tremor across the world yesterday amid fears that Israel would respond by bombing the countrys nuclear facilities.

Evangelicals Bribe Iranian Jews to Move to Zionist State

Oct 23 2007

Evangelical Christians in the US have helped convince dozens of Iranian Jews to move to the Zionist state in recent months, offering cash incentives and claiming that Iran's tiny Jewish community is in grave danger.

U.S. Arms Zionists in Preparation for Conflict

Oct 07 2007

The U.S. Congress has approved $1.2 billion worth of US-funded Israeli arms purchases, including 50 huge GBU-28 guided bunker busters.

Iranian Jews Say No to Zionist Incentives

Aug 15 2007

Iran's official Islamic news agency reported a month ago that wealthy Iranian Jews already living in the Zionist State had offered $10,000 to every Jew in Iran who was willing to emigrate to the Zionist State.
