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Chillul Hashem

Why do you teach the Three Oaths to the non-Jewish world?

Feb 28 2013

Hi. my dear friends i am an Orthodox Jew and I admire your work a lot, especially your classical & sensible way of bringing out the voice of Torah Jews!

How do you understand Ezekiel (36:32) who says that exile is a chillul hashem?

Dec 04 2012

How would you define the concept in Ezekiel 36 of "Not for your sake,
Israel, do I bring you back to the land of Israel, but (only) because of
the desecration of My holy name that I took pity on (do I bring you back to

Living in Chutz Laaretz is a Chillul Hashem

Sep 10 2012

Dear Rabbi,

LIVING in Chutz laaretz is a great Chliull hashem.

And this is what the Naavi says chapter yehezkel 36 verses 20.21
