[Background: The question was posed whether the oath against "going up as a wall" prohibits only a military invasion of Eretz Yisroel, or even mass immigration with permission from the ruling power.
[Background: We are discussing the Three Oaths according to Rabbi Zeira, whom the halacha follows. According to this view, the Oaths apply only to the Jewish people as a whole.
i can't understand the concept that the land of israel can sprout due to the
hard toils of the zionist labours. the ramban says (vayikra 26:16} as well
as can be historically acknowledged that throughout the jewish exile, the
You noted a number of poskim
who ruled on the oaths. I see they are all achoronim, and certainly great
scholars, all of them. However, do you know of any rishonim who ruled
halachically the same way?
I understand the position that the Jewish people have no right to govern the land which is now Israel. Before the State of Israel was set up under Zionist leadership, Jews lived on the land.
After the sin of the spies, the Torah tells us that some Jews tried to invade Eretz Yisroel against the command of Hashem: "And they awoke early in the morning, and they ascended to the mountaintop, saying, "Here we are, and we will go up to the place o
Hi Rabbi, one more e-mail. I wouldn't even know how to respond to the attached article, Do Not Ascend Like a Wall, by Rabbi Shlomo Aviner. He gives 13 reasons why the Three Oaths don't apply to the State of Israel.
Why don't you believe that the mitzva of living in Eretz Yisroel functionally applies today? Rashi says that "Kol Hador Bechutz Laaretz kimei shein lo elokah ".
The Ramban holds that permission granted by a gentile government for Jews to return to Eretz Yisroel does not nullify the oaths. In his Sefer Hageulah, end of Shaar 1 (p.