Dear Rabbi,
Dear Rabbi:
Please understand that I am asking this question respectfully, for information only.
In your news section you have written a lot recently about the Agudah advocating Jewish sovereignty over Jerusalem. You characterized this as a departure from Agudah's traditional views.
We find in Sefer Daniel (11:14): "And the wicked among your people will rise up to actualize a vision, but they will stumble."
The Meaning of Vayoel Moshe Exile Means Subservience to G-d The Wicked Son Ingathering the Exiles
Why Did the Fish Have to Suffer? The Lesson of the Hamotzi Blessing Don’t Antagonize the Nations in Exile
And G-d spoke to Moshe, and said to him, "I am Hashem." (6:2)
G-d Filters Out the Wicked Peaceful Efforts Toward Redemption When Silence is a Sin
And they established their birth to their families, to their fathers’ houses. (1:18)
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