[Now that we have established that all authorities, including the Rambam, agree that although moshiach will not make changes in the natural order of the world, he will display prophecy and other miraculous abilities, we proceed to analyze the Rambam’s n
[In the previous three simanim, the Rebbe argued that since an oath cannot be imposed on unborn future generations, the Three Oaths are merely the Gemara’s way of stating the severity of a prohibition that existed already, without the oaths.
In order to explain this entire subject, let me pose several more questions. First of all, why does the Rambam omit these oaths from his Mishneh Torah? They are stated in the Gemara without any dissenting opinion.
Now I will explain the third oath, not to force the end. What exactly does this mean? Rashi says that “yidchaku” (force) comes from the word “dochak” (pressure): that the Jews should not pray too much for the end of exile.
You noted a number of poskim
who ruled on the oaths. I see they are all achoronim, and certainly great
scholars, all of them. However, do you know of any rishonim who ruled
halachically the same way?
You often write that the Rambam says moshiach will compel all Jews to do teshuva before the geulah can begin, and that therefore even if Zionism were to claim that a particular person is moshiach, they would not be permitted to establish their state and
After the sin of the spies, the Torah tells us that some Jews tried to invade Eretz Yisroel against the command of Hashem: "And they awoke early in the morning, and they ascended to the mountaintop, saying, "Here we are, and we will go up to the place o
Hi Rabbi, one more e-mail. I wouldn't even know how to respond to the attached article, Do Not Ascend Like a Wall, by Rabbi Shlomo Aviner. He gives 13 reasons why the Three Oaths don't apply to the State of Israel.
Fyi, in Shul today, someone brought to my attention a 35 page essay written by Rabbi Gil Student. It was taken off of his blog (title of blog is Torahmusings.com).