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And The Award Goes To…

Mar 22 2017

"The prize is being given to him fifty years after the reunification of the city [Jerusalem]. He initiated, established, led and leads this praiseworthy effort” 
“Israel” Prize Committee

Settlements - A Registered Trademark of Zionism

Sep 26 2016

"All the slogans about Torah and settlement, the Land of Israel and the people of Israel are attempts to forget the simple and pain-torn fact: you are dead. You are dead, and no slogan will bring you back. You are not a symbol or a national event.”

The Day Reason Stood Still

Aug 24 2016

Recently, Ynet News published a story that, for many, defies reason.

The Current Violence in the Holy Land, and the Path to Peace

Oct 21 2015

Over the last few weeks, we have seen a shocking surge in violence in the Holy Land Innocent people on both the Jewish and Palestinian side have been killed and wounded This new wave of murderous acts is a disaster - Following the news, even seeing the pictures, shakes every p

Why Israeli Propaganda Endangers Jews across the Globe

Feb 25 2015

Across the globe, the media is reporting an alarming increase in anti-Semitism. Governments and individuals are researching and strategizing over these reports.

Are the settlers of Gush Katif Zionists or anti-Zionists?

Dec 03 2012

Are the Jewish people that lived in Gush Katif also Zionists? They were protesting the expulsion from this land by the Prime Minister. They speak of Torah not Zionism.

Should Jews live in the occupied territories?

Aug 28 2012

what is the torah perspective today on the jews living in the occupied territories?

Zionist Government Expels Extremist Zionist Settlers

Aug 19 2011

The expulsion of two Jewish families from their homes, built on the site of the former Hebron marketplace, was completed late Tuesday morning, August 7.

New Academic Book: Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews are on Firm Ground

Aug 18 2011

The Peace and Violence of Judaism, by Robert Eisen (2011, Oxford University Press), is a study of the Jewish views on peace and violence in traditional Jewish texts and in the era of Zionism.

Shepherd Hotel Demolished to Make Room for Zionist Settlers

Jan 12 2011

Israeli bulldozers began demolishing the old Shepherd Hotel compound in the predominantly Arab neighborhood Sheikh Jarrah in East Jerusalem early Sunday, paving the way for the construction of a new Jewish housing project on the site.

Ultra-Zionist Settler Rabbi Publishes Controversial Book

Dec 20 2009

Rabbi Yitzhak Shapira, head of the settler yeshiva Od Yosef Chai in the settlement of Yitzhar, has published a book entitled The King's Torah: Laws of Life and Death between Jews and the Nations.

Religious Zionist Leader Porush Condemns Left Wing Jewish Groups

Jul 17 2009

“We must publicly condemn those Jews who meddle in the White House and betray Eretz Yisrael’s interests” stated Zionist Deputy Education Minister Rabbi Meir Porush in reference to left-wing lobbyists in Washington, such a J Street.

Zionists Attack Obama While Torah Jews Pray For Him

Jun 07 2009

Last week, Obama administration officials were debating how to toughen their stance against any expansion of Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

Zionist Settler Youth Fires Homemade Rocket

Jun 20 2008

Police reported that a student in the Od Yosef Chai Yeshiva in Yitzhar, a settlement five kilometers south of Nablus, fired a home-made Kassam-like rocket towards a nearby Arab village.

Zionist Rabbi OKs Building Settlements on Sabbath

Jun 13 2008

A rabbi in a West Bank community has ruled that home construction by non-Jewish workers can take place on the Sabbath.

Lupolianski Announces Major Construction in East Jerusalem

Jan 24 2008

Jerusalem City Hall said it will build 40,000 new apartments in the city, including eastern Jerusalem, in the next decade.

Former Chief Rabbi Says Peace Plan Goes Against Will of G-d

Jan 10 2008

In a letter handed to US President George Bush Thursday, former Sephardic Chief Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu admonished the US president to avoid any course of action that would harm the Jewish nation.

Zionists Plan Defiant Har Homa Construction For Bush Visit

Dec 27 2007

Zionist activists are planning a grand display of defiance for the upcoming visit of US President George W. Bush to Israel, who is hoping to push plans to partition the land.

Just What We Need: Another Zionist State

Dec 06 2007

The West Bank settler organization SOS Israel is planning a campaign to choose a flag and anthem for the new Jewish state it plans to erect in the West Bank in the event of an Israeli withdrawal from the territories.

