In the categories below are actual questions asked by visitors to this site, with the answers we gave them. If you have a question and don't see it addressed here, you are welcome to write to us at
How come u have no endorsements from sephardic rabbis? I guess b/c they are TZIONI, so I guess they are not true Torah Jews?
stop bashing jews and start focusing on ahavat yisrael
thank you
Oil and gas prices continue to rise (which in turn cause just about everything else to rise in price), and these are things that one should keep their eyes open to, and more importantly understand what the potential consequences might be for Jews.
I would like to ask a question with respect. How can a Jew who opposes Zionism live in Israel, protected by the Zionist state against enemy attack and allowed the priveleges of a free citizen? I would like an honest answer.
Are You hashem? How can you possibly attempt to give a reason why the holocaust happended?? We have NO idea why things happen to different people at different times.
I am a permanent news correspondent for Antena 3 and Antena 1, two independent news channels from Romania. Could you please get me in contact with someone from your organization in London for a short interview on the topic of the Gaza war?