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Our mission is to inform the world that the State of Israel does NOT represent Jews or Judaism.


In the categories below are actual questions asked by visitors to this site, with the answers we gave them. If you have a question and don't see it addressed here, you are welcome to write to us at

What about Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef who permits hallel?

Jul 26 2012

You dont even address those religious Gedolim who call themselves zionists(with no relation to secular zionism)i.e Hacham Mordechai Eliyahu or those who permit hallel without a baracha i.e Rav Ovadiah Yosef.

Why do you turn Jews away instead of being mekarev them?

Jul 26 2012

The early Zionists weren't religious. They were anti-religious. Yet you expect them to uphold what the Gemara said about not taking the land of Israel by force.

How do you know the Zionist state wasn't send by G-d to save the Jews?

Jul 23 2012

A man was drowning and he began to pray to G-d and beg to be saved. A boat appeared from nowhere offering to take him onboard. The man said, "no! G-d will save me." Then the boat sank and he drowned.

You are against the Zionist state, but what is the alternative at the present time?

Jul 23 2012

I recently stumbled upon your site. I like to think that I search for truth.

My question is as follows: What is your alternative to the state at this point in time?

What do you think of Rabbi Frand's taped lecture on returning the territories?

Jul 11 2012

Dear Rabbi,

In your news section you have written a lot recently about the Agudah advocating Jewish sovereignty over Jerusalem. You characterized this as a departure from Agudah's traditional views.

Why do you pronounce guilt on the Jewish people? You should try to find a limud zechus as in Makos 7a.

Jul 11 2012

A Rav
once told me that the Gemara says that in order to be a Judge on the
Sanhedrin one first had to prove that a sheretz does not cause tuma. But
doesn't a sheretz always cause tuma? Yes, but the point is that before

Why don't you show love for your Jewish brethren?

Jul 11 2012

Dear Rabbi,

I was looking on the Internet for information on zionism. Then I found this site, and I was shocked to see what was written in it. As a Jewish teenager, my concern for the division of the Jewish people grows ever stronger.

Why did you write that Rabbi Avi Shafran is driven by Zionist ideology?

Jul 10 2012

Dear Rabbi,

I am writing regarding your recent response to Rabbi Avi Shafran, in which you said that although he claims only to be interested in safety, it is really Zionist ideology driving him.

Doesn't Orach Chaim 329:6 permit a defense force?

Jul 10 2012

On the subject of halachah l'maase and defense forces, here is what the
Shulchan Aurch, Orach Chayim 329:6 rules:

Why do you pour out your abuse on Zionism? It has no immediate influence over halacha.

Jul 10 2012

Your website breaks my heart. Where in all of this is 'vohavtoh l'reachoh c'mochoh'? You disgard as many great and commendable Rabbonim as you praise, in your effort to prove your point.

Fighting Zionism is like fighting chalav stam

Jul 10 2012

I tend to view being zealous over
the issue of the oaths along the lines of one who might be zealous for
chalav yisroel vs. chalav stam. I wouldn't doubt that there are some who

Why not work on ending Sinas Chinom instead of writing against Zionism?

Jul 09 2012

The following I wrote to you in the past, Since you did not respond to me I believe That you had nothing to answer, in that case, how about you stop sending around your missionary believes
to those who dont fall for your Shtusim

