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Our mission is to inform the world that the State of Israel does NOT represent Jews or Judaism.


In the categories below are actual questions asked by visitors to this site, with the answers we gave them. If you have a question and don't see it addressed here, you are welcome to write to us at

Do anti-Zionist Jews living under the state use its currency and pay taxes?

Aug 28 2012

Dear Rabbi:

How is it possible for the anti-Zionist Jews in Meah Shearim and Bnei Brak to live under the Zionist regime, without paying taxes to the Zionist government and without using the Zionist money for purchases?

How do I find an anti-Zionist hechsher? An anti-Zionist shul?

Aug 28 2012

I am a new anti-zionist, and as far as I know, I am the only one in Northeast Philadelphia.

Can I daven in a Zionist minyan?

Aug 28 2012

It seems to me that zionists essentially are creating their own religion and turning Yiddishkeit into something that it isn't. I mean would you drink the wine of someone who kept shabbos, kashrus and taharas mishpacha but also did avoda zora?

I'm against Zionism but shouldn't Jews live among other Jews?

Aug 28 2012

My name is Roxy and I'm 17 and I have a couple of questions. This site opened my eyes a bit, I hadn't read a lot of this before. I agree with a lot of what's in this site but there are some things that I can't get past.

Should Jews live in the occupied territories?

Aug 28 2012

what is the torah perspective today on the jews living in the occupied territories?

Could memsheles zadon in the Yamim Noraim prayers refer to the Zionists?

Aug 28 2012

Is there a conection between the zionist regime to the prayer against the Memsheles Zadon in the Shmoneh Esrei prayer of Rosh hshanah and yom kippur?

How do you answer those who say the UN gave it to us? And how can Zionists go against the Chofetz Chaim?

Aug 28 2012

Dear Rabbi,

Hi, I of course am in agreement with most of what you say, however, how do you answer people who say that the Holy Land was not taken by force, instead given by the United Nations.

Moshe Shmuel

How should we react to Rabbi Kanievsky's ban on Arab labor?

Aug 16 2012

Dear TTJ:

Please keep up the good work with the Torah True Jews web site, showing that Zionism is wrong, according to the Torah.

What would be the proper Torah True Jews response to the following?

What is the meaning of Jeremiah 30:3?

Aug 16 2012

Hello Rabbi I was recently discussing with Zionist Christians who alleged to me that the 1948 Zionist state was allegedly "prophecized" in Jeremiah 30:3- For, lo, the days come, saith HaShem, that I will turn the captivity of My people Israel and Judah,

Confused about Balfour, UN, Ponevecz, and other topics

Aug 16 2012

Even though I have the same views as you, one thing I have not been able to answer is the fact that if we were given the Balfour Declaration, how are we actually transgressing the Oaths, as the nations of the world (or the ruling nation Britain) gave th

What is the Satmar Rav's source that state will not last?

Aug 16 2012

What sorse dose the Satmer rav learn from that a non religious state would be built and then destroyed before the comming of Mashiach. 2 where can i buy the Ravs books in Jersualem

Why did sages like Rav Shach get into Israeli politics?

Aug 16 2012

Dear Rabbi,

I fail to understand why those late sages who fiercely opposed Zionism eventually got themselves involved in Israeli politics.

Was the Vilna Gaon a Zionist?

Jul 26 2012

Dear TTJ:

Would you please disprove for me, what it says in the following article about the Vilna Gaon ZT"L and his students. It confuses me.

Is it true that Herzl's main motive was to save Jews from persecution?

Jul 26 2012

In the Q&A section a Turkish Muslim writer from the Haber10 website asks Rabbi Lowenthal about the roots of Zionism.

