In the categories below are actual questions asked by visitors to this site, with the answers we gave them. If you have a question and don't see it addressed here, you are welcome to write to us at
Hi Rabbi, one more e-mail. I wouldn't even know how to respond to the attached article, Do Not Ascend Like a Wall, by Rabbi Shlomo Aviner. He gives 13 reasons why the Three Oaths don't apply to the State of Israel.
Why don't you believe that the mitzva of living in Eretz Yisroel functionally applies today? Rashi says that "Kol Hador Bechutz Laaretz kimei shein lo elokah ".
Do you believe that Hashem would davka prefer Jews to live in Chutz Laaretz? If so, how would you explain that there is a nice Satmar population living in Israel?
Is it intrinsically problematic to have a Jewish government that isn't a monarchy appointed by Hashem. If so, then how did the Vaad Arbah Aratzot (Council of the Four Lands) or Nasiim rule permissably?
Isn't a war of self-defense permissible and obligatory because of the ruling "Habah Lehargecha Hashkeim Lehargo"? When someone is coming to kill you, you kill him first.
Fyi, in Shul today, someone brought to my attention a 35 page essay written by Rabbi Gil Student. It was taken off of his blog (title of blog is
Is it permissible to send Tzedaka money to support the poor in Eretz Yisroel, or to hospitals in Eretz Yisroel, or, for example, to organizations in Eretz Yisroel who help handicapped children?