In the categories below are actual questions asked by visitors to this site, with the answers we gave them. If you have a question and don't see it addressed here, you are welcome to write to us at
I read the content of your site and am astounded! But what shocked me the most is that the modern hebrew language is not the original one! Could you please give me some sort of explanation?
The Vilna Gaon was the leading adversary of Chassidism. The Vilna Gaon was probably the greatest scholar of the past thousand years or more, no one argues about that. Many of his contemporaries who agreed with
Have you considered using this clip from the British/Jewish Cabinet Minister Sir Edwin Montagu, who said in a secret memoranda (August 1917, later made public) on the subject of Zionism:
My question is historical, on your holocaust page you mention that Rabbis Wise in 1943 went to congress to oppose any changes in US immigration laws to allow more Jews into the country from Europe.
Dear sir,
As your opposition of the present State of Israël is based on the Thora, which texts of the Thora do you use and how do you read them?
Yours sincerely,
H. Frank