In the categories below are actual questions asked by visitors to this site, with the answers we gave them. If you have a question and don't see it addressed here, you are welcome to write to us at
Asalam Alaykum. Shalom. I greatly respect true submitters of Allah, loyal Jews. I wanted to know if there are specific chapters or verses that highlight the Law given by Allah regarding the Jewish exile. inshaAllah you will be able to help.
My name is Lana and I am from Palestine, but I live in Canada because my family's home in Palestine was destroyed. Also many of my cousins, mostly children, were mercilessly killed by members of the Zionist army.
Thankyou for your website. Can you please tell me why there are religous jews in israel who support zionism? Do they not know or care about what is written in the Torah? Or do they interpret it differently?
As a Muslim preacher, I am trying to do what I can to ensure that the anger generated by Israel's recent crimes is not channelled towards Jews, i.e. separating Judaism from Zionism.
Doesn't the land of Israel belong to the Jews as was given in B'resheet and and Sh'mot. In Yechezk'el says that G-d will gather his people fron exile?? I'm confused.
I am an orthodox Christian - evangelical - and I wish to support the Jews as we are told to do in Scripture - can you help me know what to do and how to be a true friend to my Orthodox Jewish friens?